Wednesday, 28 September 2011

WHAT IS GOOD ..Studio Workshop2

Once we had pinned our 9 top answers up on the studio wall, it was then pointed out us that we needed to produce more focused answers being specific question. I did this for them all then narrowed it down again...

Good is...

The Tools of a Street Artist
What makes it good?
//No street art without them 

They are the tools you use to create the street art ...your hands can only do so much as a ‘tool’.

//Provides the process of creating street art

The process involved in creating a piece of visual street art requires specific tools to do so; without them nothing could be created. 

//Allows artists/designers express their creativity

Street art is an expression of ones creativity ...the tools are the medium through which this is done.

//Provides a base for technical creations

In order to produce a piece of technical work you need the tools to do so is the utilisation of these tools and the skill involved which produces street art worth paying attention to, not just being classed as graffiti.

//Allows creatives to communicate a message

Street artists use their work to communicate a message to the public, whether it be for the purpose of advertising or to purely make a statement. Again, street art cannot be created without the tools to do so.
Who would find it good?

//Street artists

Street artists use their tools to enable them to produce street art.


Many artists use similar/same tools to produce their artwork, it is just that their artwork is presented in a different context. 

//Members of the public with an appreciation for art

Members of the public may see a piece of street art and become instantly intrigued as to how the street artist has produced the work and what medium they have used to achieve this.

//Passers-by who are viewing street art

Similarly, anyone passing a piece of live street art may also be intrigued as to what tools the street artist used in order to achieve the artwork.

//Non designers and designers with an interest into how street art is/was produced

Both designers and non-designers may take an interest into a piece of street art and be curious as to the tools that were used to produce it as it is new to them.

//Creatives who want to try a different medium to work in

Artists are constantly wanting to venture into the unknown and explore new mediums; with the knowledge of how others do it via their tools, they can then apply this to their own work.

//Creatives who want a better understanding of how street art is produced

In order to fully understand a process you need to know the background information, this includes the tools used to produce the piece of art; it is only then that you can fully understand and appreciate the artwork.

//Creatives who have used the products but want a deeper knowledge of how they can be used to enhance their own work.

Some creatives may have used the tools a street artist used but not necessarily in the same context. By learning how a street artist has used their tools, it will enable them to progress and challenge the way in which they use their own tools.

//Creatives/designers/artists who want an alternative process to produce their work in

Creatives are constantly on the look out for new processes to use within their work, by learning how others have used their tools they can then transfer this knowledge into their own work.

Who wouldn't find it good?

//Those with no artistic interest

If a person has no interest in street art, they are not likely to be concerned with how it has been produced by the street artist.

//People against street art

If a person is against street art they are very unlikely to take the time to consider how the piece of street art was produced.

//Those who cannot use the tools

If someone cannot use the tools a street artist does, they may just disregard them and take no further interest into them whatsoever. 

//Those who view street art as graffiti ...illegal

A person who is anti-street art is highly unlikely to take an interest into the tools used to produce it.

//Police//those within 'the law'

Police may not want the use of a street artists tools to be publicized if it is to be produced under illegal conditions.

//Creatives who don’t use the tools of a street artist within their work

If a creative does not use the tools of a street artist they may not want to use them within their work as they do not ‘work’ with their style.

//Creatives who do not know of or how to use the tools of a street artist

A creative who doesn’t necessarily know of or use the tools of a street artist may be unsure on how they could be used to benefit they’re work.
What is it better than and why?

//The tools of a mechanic

Street art allows for self expression and provides the public with entertainment for free whereas those of a mechanic do not, they are simply used to get the job in hand done.


Street art sends a message/provides entertainment, therefore serving more of a purpose.

//In studio work

Street art is produced and left in the public eye ...gets appreciation and recognition (where wanted) whereas work which doesn’t ‘get out there’ into the real work and sits in a drawer in a studio will receive no recognition or feedback from real life people.

//The use of software

The tools of a street artist provide a much more hands on approach than software based products.

//Piece of blank paper

The tools of a street artist gives you the opportunity to develop that blank piece of paper into something amazing, a piece of artwork!

If your good was a profession what would it be?

//Street artist

The tools of a street artist art used to produce street art.


The street art produced by the tools may be used for advertising purposes (guerilla advertising)


The street art may have been produced with the purpose of entertaining the public or passerby.


The street art produced by the tools may have an element of typography about it or be solely typographically based.

//Creative Designer

The tools are used by a street artist to produce a piece of creative artwork which they have designed.
If your good was a celebrity who would it be?

//Heston Blumethal

He is a creative genius in the world of food, combining the science of food with the science of chemistry.


He make a statement with every piece of work he produces; whether it be socio political or personal, it always seems to be relevant to the present day.

//Gok Wan

Innovative fashion designer who has the ability to change someones perception of themselves (the inner self) through their exterior (the clothes they wear)

//Jaguar Skills

A highly skilled DJ who combines best bits into one solid mix using his own unique style.


She is multi-functional/talented, having had successful careers in both music and acting.
If your good was a place where would it be?

//USA//New York

These are all places which have a buzzing street art scenes.

//Blank Wall
//Hidden spaces
//Blank floor

These are places where street art is produced.

//Can bag

These are places where the tools of an artist may be stored

If your good was a product what would it be?

//Spray can
//Stencils//Stock and scalpel

These are a few products common to street artists (depending on their specialisation) 
If your good was an event what would it be?

//Outlook festival

There is such a buzzing vibe about this festival, this is the same type of feeling you would experience when using the tools of a street artist.

//Art Exhibition

It is becoming more and more common to see a street artist exhibiting their work.

//Art Installation
//Art Festival  

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