Wednesday 16 November 2011

WHAT IS GOOD//Project Rationale/Concept Statement4

After my crit today, I feel it is necessary for me to re-write/update my rationale as my concept has changed a fair bit since I last wrote one. This will also help me to tell my 'story' through my 5 concept boards.

GOOD is 'A Pencil for Art Therapy'


//Art therapy offers a hands-on, active, fun, and productive form of therapy.
//Experiences in art creation validate our connection to the whole of life, which increases self-esteem, self-validation, and self-awareness.
//Encourages self-control through working with art materials.
//Art and emotions are closely linked and therefore art-making can help to positively alter one's mood.
//Art making engages the whole brain and can stimulate integration of cognitive, feeling and sensory processes.

I intend to (inform/instruct/persuade/direct/educate/promote)

Inform audience about how a pencil can be used to drawing and write as a means of art therapy.
Instruct audience on how to use the pencil in order to help themselves or others through art therapy.
Promote the art therapy classes in which the pencils/stationary will be used. 

...a group of (identify your specific audience or context)

Individuals experiencing mental health difficulties which they wish to address or learn to cope with.

...that (state your message, idea or concept)

A pencil is an object usually associated with the obvious reading and writing, however, it can be used for more than that. Ultimately, it could go as far as giving someone the chance to change their lives through the pencil becoming a coping strategy, a form of anger management, emotional release etc. via it's creative use in an art therapy class. 

In order to achieve this I will produce....
(specify at this point in time what you aim to produce, the method of delivery/distribution/the context in which it will be viewed.)

PRODUCT (what is your product)

A pencil. 

RANGE (what range of deliverables will you produce/propose)

//Package the pencils; a range of coloured pencils with multiple pencils of each colour packaged in a single box.  
//Handout and poster: this will be the promotional material for the art classes (Art at the Museum course) in which the pencils will be supplied to and used.
//Notebook: this will be given out to students who enrol onto the course for them to use in their own time.
//Doodle pad keyring: for an instant release on the go.

CONTEXT (define the context in which your product will exist)

My products (packaged pencils) will be supplied to the Art at the Museum course for the students to use and the notepad and doodle keyring will given to the students to take away and use at their own leisure as and when they require. The promotional material will be left around the exhibition of the course as a point of further information for anyone interested in the course.

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