Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Although we were only supposed to have 3 briefs we liked the look of, we hadn't been able to decide so had 4 to choose from instead. We each looked at these, discussed ideas and annotated them with our thoughts on each of the briefs.

We then managed to refine these down to 2 we would like to work on and 1 we definitely wouldn't.

For each one we also noted down 5 reasons why they either did or didn't appeal to us as a collaborative team....

After having done this with each of the briefs, we thought about what it was within the briefs which made us like/dislike them....

This proved useful in narrowing down the two chosen briefs to one as we considered all the above points in relation to each of the briefs. In doing this we decided we wanted to work on the Fedrigoni brief. However, we needed to consider what it was that we wanted as an end product that will fit the brief as it is fairly open ended (although it has to be within print based media).

We created this table to analyse how open the brief was and took 5 words directly from the brief under each of the 4 headings....

In carrying out this task it got rid of all the mess and additional noise they supply with the brief; getting down to the core information which is vital that we consider. This will allow us to focus our designs and ensure we are designing to meet the briefs core requirements. We can then expand upon this in order to ensure our designs are cutting edge. 

We then considered 5 things the brief asked us to do (taking quotes directly from the wording of the brief). This was fairly easy as they direct a fair bit of information as to what they want; although it is vague.

We then worked out 5 problems the brief asked us to solve. This proved a little harder as we didn't have information on the company or their competitors; there was a lot of researched that seemed necessary in order to complete this question. Consequently, we are going to research into the following points to allow us to answer this question fully....

It is important that we discover what the problem is that they want us to solve in order for us to solve it and create a piece of design that fulfills their needs as a company.

We have set ourselves a few initial tasks that seem necessary to complete in order to move forward, however, there will inevitably be other tasks which arise and become necessary to complete as we progress.

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