Thursday 19 May 2011

Speaking from Experience//Asking the Class.

Seen as my target audience for this brief is first year graphic design students, it only seemed right that I posed my questions to them. Firstly I created a survey on '' and post the link in our course Facebook group with hope that people would complete it. However, I did not receive a very good repsonse from this.....

In all honesty, these results were not that helpful. They proved people went out in Freshers week and didn't really know where to go ...which was in alignment with the concept of my guide. However, with only 4 people answering the survey I could not gage a true reflection of the first year class as a whole. As a result, I took it upon myself to approach people face to face, posing my question directly to them in the hope that I can get some worthy results. As I simply approached whoever was in the studio at the time, I did not manage to ask the whole year group, however, I did manage to speak to around half the class......

I firstly went round and got people to tick, however, soon realised there wouldn't be enough space to score everyone. I took to the tally charts! I also starred the most popular out of these, as these are the ones I will work on first.

I then thought, it is all well and good people having visited these places but it doesn't necessarily mean to say they liked it. So, I then asked which was their favourite....

Again, hasn't included the whole year group which would have been ideal. Nevertheless, this has allowed me to gage a rough idea of the favourites from the trends already forming. 

I also wanted to find out other information in relation to their nights out to allow me to know what information to include in my guide to ensure it is relevant.

From this, I will include the average prices of beer, cider, wine, shots and vodka mixers as these are the most popular drinks. I will use small icons to represent each one.

I also wanted to find out what information people would want to know about a club on a night out.....

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