Thursday 6 October 2011

Typography Workshop.

What is type? 

Visual representation of a spoken word.

Different styles represent different voices.


1400 Type came about
Up to 1450 only information available was by people who could write; Monks, Priests etc (Latin)
1450 First Book ...knowledge accessible to people. Printed bibles; religion became more accessible.
Mid 1450 other people became able to write and print. Reformation occurred; global revolution due to print; different political ideologies began to appear and became accessible to people.
For the first time in 650 years there is a new development; the internet is the next development from the printed book. People are beginning to communicate through social networking sites. The computer is going to go through the same development that the printed book did when it first came out, so we can predict what may happen.

//Paper Sizes

'A'  ...standardised size so it can be universally recognised.


//Keyboard shortcuts

cmd + shift > ...increases size
cmd + shift + alt > ...bigger increase

//Font pt size

//pt first invented 1450's English!!!!!
//a pt is a 72nd of an inch
//so a 72pt typeface is an inch
//4 inches high = 280pt
//1cm = 30pt
//a novel is 8/9 pt ensure the reader can read&continue reading//legibility. One column helps people rad better. Around 10/11 words in a line. Average 5/6 characters plus space.
//type in a magazine is pt ..bigger because you read it further away//same size as publication.
//pt is the height of the metal the character sits on in letterpress ...this is why the size of typeface varies because it will sit within the pt size.

//Communication of a typeface

Serif/Sas Serif
Upper/Lower case
Weight ...ultra light/light/neutral/medium/bold

me in a font...

a shy dog.....

//small point size
//position on the page (corner)

an angry dog...

//position ...centre of the page
//size ..clear off page
//landscape orientation
//no full stop end to anger

pissed off dog...

//irrational ..don't care about rules (use different case in the wrong way)
//sense of something not quite right

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